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Odyssey Evo 2.5 Brake Kit

Brand: Odyssey

Code: B-284-GLD

Code: B-284-BK

Code: B-284-HPNK

Call us on 01942 826 598 for availability or an alternative!

Code: B-284-PL

Code: B-284-WHT

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Brand: Odyssey

The Pro-level new Odyssey Evo 2.5 complete brake is now available in new colours -  Anodised Gold, Hot Pink and White. Includes a medium Monolever lever, K-Shield Linear Slic Kable, cable, bridge and straddle cable and the Odyssey Evo caliper. Now available in new colours -  Anodised Gold, Hot Pink and White.

Comes with Odyssey’s convenient double lugged straddle cable, custom curved cable hanger and an array of hardware for adapting the brake to every possible set-up. Forged from aluminium for strength, and to avoid unnecessary upcharges from frivolous CNC machining.

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