Pedal Fitment

Pedal Fitment


  • You will need a pedal-specific spanner* to fit your pedals. 
  • A regular 15mm spanner is too thick to allow you the tighten the pedal fully - this will mean your pedal will come loose and ruin the threads on your crank arm, meaning you will need to buy new cranks :(

  • *Some pedals (not many BMX pedals) use an allen key fitment as well as the flats,. If there's a hex socket it will be 6mm or 8mm. Some  pedals only have the hex socket. A hex socket is handy because you can remove or tighten the pedals with the hex key on a multi-tool.
  • Pedals usually come marked L or R to indicate the thread and therefore the side of the bike they fit (viewed from the rider's perspective). 

  • With the threads lightly greased, introduce the left pedal into the left hand crank arm's threads. Ensure they're square to each other and rotate the axle anti-clockwise until the first threads engage freely and easily. Screw the pedal into the crank. You should be able to turn it with your fingers, or with light pressure from a spanner or hex key. Do not force it. If you want to show off, hold the axle and  rotate the crank clockwise to engage all the threads. If the threads aren't brilliantly defined you might find the last few turns need a hex key or pedal spanner. Nip up the pedal thread into the crank arm to secure them. Don't over tighten pedals, this can strip the threads.
  • Also, always!!! use grease when fitting your pedals if you ever want to get them off in the future!


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