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Sturmey Archer SFX Mini Freewheel

Brand: Sturmey Archer

Code: FWSTX813H

Code: FWSTX814H

Code: FWSTX815H

Code: FWSTX313H

Call us on 01942 826 598 for availability or an alternative!

Code: FWSTX314H

Code: FWSTX3135H

Call us on 01942 826 598 for availability or an alternative!

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Brand: Sturmey Archer

Available in 3/32" or 1/8" chain types

13, 14 or 15T


Suitable for "Mini" freewheel threads ONLY These threads are found on many BMX flip-flop hubs

NOTE: Will NOT FIT on larger thread hubs that take 16T or larger freewheels. 

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